Ponte Vedra Beach
Sex Crimes Lawyer

Sex crimes are very serious offenses. A conviction of a sex crime can result in severe penalties, including significant fines, lengthy prison time, and even sex offender registration. Remember, you might be labeled as a sexual offender. That is why a conviction may follow you long after you have done serving time.

Facing a sex crime charge in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida? We highly recommend hiring an experienced and knowledgeable Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer. Why? Your reputation, your livelihood, and your freedom are on the line. So, your sex crimes lawyer will mitigate the penalties of a sex crime conviction.

Are you looking for the best Ponte Vedra Beach sex crime lawyers? Then, look no further than Malcolm Anthony, P.A. We are ready to start building your defense. We are dedicated to client satisfaction. And we have the expertise, experience, and resources to defend your reputation, freedom, and future fiercely.

Do not face the unknown and unimaginable alone. Contact our criminal defense attorney today at (904) 285-4529 to schedule a FREE case evaluation.

Table of Contents

What Are Sex Crimes?

Sex crimes involve illegal or coerced sexual conduct against another person. They can range from unwanted physical contact with someone else’s private parts to actual sexual acts. Sex crimes encompass various offenses, including sexual battery, rape, human trafficking, sexual assault, child molestation, and even indecent exposure.

What Are the Different Types of Sex Crimes Charges?

There are many types of sex crime charges. You could face one or more of these charges, depending on the circumstances of your case. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the different types of sex crimes charges. You will not only protect yourself, you will also know what to do in the event you are accused of sex crime charges.

Here are the different types of sex crime charges under Florida law:

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault refers to the act of sexual contact or penetration of another person without their consent. If, for example, someone pressures or coerces another person into engaging sexual acts, they can be charged with sexual assault. Sexual assault includes attempted rape.

Statutory Rape

The legal age of consent is 18 in Florida. Therefore, if an adult engages in sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 18, then it is considered rape. Statutory rape is a serious sex crime. That is why the penalties can range from two years to life imprisonment.


Prostitution is illegal in Florida. Therefore, you cannot solicit sex from individuals in Florida. You could face serious criminal charges if you try to pay for sex or use sex to make money. In addition, if you act as a middleman, you could still face criminal charges. If, however, the charge involves solicitation of minors, the charges will be more serious.

Indecent Exposure

Florida law prohibits the exposure, exhibition, or display of one’s genitals while in public view or in a public place. In fact, indecent exposure is a firs-degree misdemeanor in Florida. Therefore, you could face up to 12 months of probation or up to 1 year in jail for indecent exposure.

Child Pornography

If you possess, distribute, or create child pornography, you can face both state and federal criminal charges. Child pornography is material depicting sexual performance by minors under the age of 18. In fact, you could face up to 30 years in prison for a first offense.

Image is from a low angle of a man up against a police car being handcuffed by officer, concept of Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer

What Are Potential Consequences of Sex Crimes Conviction?

A conviction for a sex crime can result in serious consequences, including high fines, prison time, and loss of your reputation. You, therefore, have to understand the potential consequences. Why? You will protect yourself and you will know what to expect. We, however, encourage you to work with a lawyer who will mitigate the consequences.

The following are the potential consequences of a sexual crimes conviction:

Jail or Prison Time

You might lose your freedom. Why? Because sexual crimes are considered felony offenses. You can, therefore, be sentenced to spend a very long time in jail. In addition, you could spend the rest of your rest of your life in jail. This is especially true for sexual crimes that involve minors.

Registration as a Sex Offender

You might be ordered to register as a sex offender. You probably know the consequences of registering as a sex offender. You can lose your job, your friends, and even your family. In fact, your personal information, such as your name, photo, and address, will be placed on the sex offender registry list. So, the public will see you on that list.

Social Stigma

Furthermore, you will have to deal with the social stigma of your crime. That is why it will affect your relationship with your friends, family, and even the community. In short, sex crime convictions will influence every aspect of your personal life.

Lose Your Job

If you are convicted of a sex crime, it can jeopardize your current employment. You are more likely to lose your job. It will be very difficult to get a new job. Do you know why? Because potential employers will conduct a background check. And if you have been convicted, they are less likely to hire you.

What Are Common Defenses Against Sex Crimes Charges?

Fortunately, there are defenses against sex crime charges. In fact, if you hire a skilled Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer, you are more likely to avoid a conviction. Your lawyer will use some of these defense strategies to challenge the accusations and protect your rights.

Here are the common defenses against sex crimes charges:

Challenge the Credibility of the Accuser

Your sex crimes lawyer can question the credibility of the accuser. For example, they can investigate the background and motives of the accuser. And they may try to try to find inconsistencies in the accuser’s story and statements. Your lawyer will help you to uncover the truth.

Alibi Defense

If you have been accused of a sex crime, then you need to provide evidence that you were not present at the scene. Alibi can be your most powerful defense. You may, however, need to gather evidence to corroborate your alibi, such as video footage and witness testimony. Your lawyer can help gather evidence.


Remember, you cannot obtain consent through coercion. So, you will need to prove that the conduct in question was consensual. You will need to provide evidence to support consent, such as witness testimony, text messages, and the prior behavior of the accuser.

Mistaken Identity

If there is not enough evidence tying you to the alleged offense, you can avoid conviction. That is why you will have to show that the accuser misidentified you. You can use a DNA test and an alibi to successfully argue a mistaken identity. Anyway, your lawyer will help you to demonstrate that the accuser wrongfully identified as the offender.

Lack of Evidence

The accuser will need to provide strong evidence. That is why you need to hire a sex crimes lawyer to defend you. This is because lawyers have the expertise and knowledge to challenge the evidence against you. Your lawyer may even make a motion to dismiss your case on the grounds that there is a lack of evidence.

Can Sex Crimes Charges Be Reduced or Dismissed?

Yes, sex crimes charges can be reduced or dismissed. How? Your lawyer can negotiate plea deals, present strong legal defenses, or pursue strategies to reduce your charges or dismiss your case. Remember, you have legal rights. Your lawyer will protect your rights and get your charges reduced or even dismissed.

Looking for a good Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer to help get your charges reduced or dismissed? Contact us today by dialing (904) 285-4529. We are ready to help you.

Image is of a handcuffed man sitting at a table discussing a case with an investigator, concept of Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer

What Should You Do If You’re Facing Sex Crimes Charges?

If you are facing sex crimes charges in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, then it is in your best interest to seek experienced legal counsel immediately. Your lawyer will protect your rights, help you understand the charges against you, and even stop you from self-incrimination.

Here is what you should do if you are facing sex crimes charges:

Stay Calm

You need to stay calm. You are probably mad, and you may be packing. Do not even make statements. Why? Those voluntary statements will be used against you. You can just contact your lawyer, and wait for them. Your lawyer will tell you what to do next.

Do Not Speak to the Officers

The accuser will probably call the police. Remember, you have the right to remain silent under Florida law. Therefore, the police officers will not force you to talk to them. It is much better to exercise your right to remain silent. This way, you will avoid incriminating yourself. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law.

Contact a Ponte Vedra Beach Sex Crimes Lawyer

This is very important. Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyers have represented several clients in the past. So, they have the experience and knowledge to handle any situation. They may have even handled sex crime cases that are similar to yours. So, your lawyer will know exactly what to do and will guide you throughout the whole process.

Collect and Preserve Evidence

You will need to collect and preserve evidence. You need solid evidence, such as emails, text messages, or video footage, to win your case. You can use the evidence to prove your innocence. That is why you need a lawyer. Your lawyer will help you collect relevant evidence and present the evidence effectively and persuasively.

Why Choose Malcolm Anthony, P.A. for Your Sex Crimes Defense?

Do not talk to anyone before discussing your case with your sex crimes attorney. Choosing an experienced and knowledgeable Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer, like Malcolm Anthony, P.A., can increase your chances of winning your case.

Here is why you should choose Malcolm Anthony, P.A. for your sex crimes defense:

Expertise in Sex Crimes Defense

We provide compassionate defense for our clients. If you are sex crimes charges in Ponte Vedra Beach, we are ready to build a strong defense strategy on your behalf. We have the resources, experience, and tools to fight for our clients. We are committed to helping our clients get the outcome in their sex crimes cases.

Experienced Sex Crimes Defense Attorneys

We have several years of experience and a good track record of success. We have successfully navigated complex sex crime cases. In fact, we understand the sensitivity and complexity of these cases. We will use our experience to help you build a solid defense strategy.

Client-Centered Approach

We focus on our clients. We are committed to supporting our clients throughout the legal process. We will not leave you alone. If you have any questions, we are ready to answer to your question. We understand what you are going through right now. And we want to make to it easy for you to come out of this challenge successfully.

Image is of a lawyer standing at his desk while working on a case, concept of Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer

Need Help with a Sex Crime Charge? Call Our Ponte Vedra Beach Sex Crimes Lawyer Today

A sex crime charge can ruin your life. And you probably do not have the skills and knowledge to defend yourself. Therefore, you may end up spending the rest of your life in prison. Remember, you can defend yourself successfully. So, do not let a sex crime charge ruin your life.

In our opinion, it is best to hire a skilled sex crimes attorney. Your lawyer will collect evidence on your behalf, protect your rights, represent you in court, and even talk to the accuser on your behalf. Remember, having strong legal representation increases your chances of a positive outcome.

Have you or a loved one been charged with a sex crime in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida? Then, you need to talk to Malcolm Anthony, P.A. We are experienced and not afraid to vigorously confront the accusations you are facing. We have the skills and tools necessary to handle any sex crime case.

We offer free consultation. We will protect your rights and provide a solid defense strategy to help you achieve the most favorable outcome in your case. Call us today at (904) 285-4529 to discuss your case with our Ponte Vedra Beach sex crimes lawyer.